| ![]() DOE-STD-6003-96
accelerated corrosion due to galvanic effects of dissimilar metals or erosion due to
long-term fluid motion. Testing and Inspection
a. General requirements--Safety-class SSCs should be designed to permit initial and
periodic inspection and testing of areas related to the intended safety function to
assess their continued ability to perform the function. The tests and inspections
should assess parameters related to the safety function (e.g., structural integrity,
hydrogen embrittlement, leak tightness, effectiveness of electric or thermal insulation,
brittleness of windows, etc. as appropriate). The design should provide for and opera-
tions should have an appropriate materials surveillance program.
If the configuration does not permit periodic inspections and tests in accordance with
applicable codes, particularly for systems contaminated with tritium, the safety analy-
sis process should develop and prescribe an acceptable testing program. The facility
authorization basis should include the test and inspection program.
b. Nondestructive examination (NDE) of safety-class SSCs--Nondestructive testing and
inspection of safety-class welds, vessels, piping and valves, including test personnel
qualification, should be in accordance with ASME 1992 or equivalent. Where design
to ASME 1992 is not feasible, such as in the case of unique materials or designs,
alternate codes such as those listed in Table 6.1 may be used with justification. Weld
acceptance criteria should be in accordance with the requirements of codes listed in
Table 6.1.
c. Leak testing--All safety-class SSCs that provide a containment barrier should be leak
checked before initial operations and periodically thereafter and should meet the
requirements specified in the safety analysis
d. Pressure testing--All safety-class SSCs that provide a safety function at a specified
design pressure should be pneumatically or hydrostatically tested in accordance with
ASME 1992 or comparable safety-related code for initial acceptance. The need for
periodic retesting should be evaluated in the safety analysis process; if this is
required, the design should provide appropriate fittings for this function.
e. Equipment Qualification Testing--Safety-class SSCs that perform safety functions
should be qualified to operate under the limiting environmental conditions associated
with normal operating and off-normal events for the facility, including the designated
off-normal natural phenomena. The qualification of passive structures could be satis-
fied by analysis, testing, or experience associated with similar components. The quali-
fication of active components could be satisfied by either tests performed on the com-
ponents or experience with similar components. Justification shall be provided to
demonstrate the applicability or experience from testing of similar components for the
components requiring equipment validation.
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