| ![]() DOE-STD-6005-2001
time. The first complete evaluation of each operation is usually considered its "baseline" and is
used for comparison with the results of future evaluations and exposure monitoring. The
comprehensive survey ensures that all areas and operations are evaluated by an industrial
hygienist and those evaluations are documented and accessible for future use by cognizant line
management and worker health and safety professionals. Baselines must be updated
periodically with the frequency of updates being determined by risk and variability of
To promote the integration of worker protection efforts, the following groups or information
resources should be consulted/utilized when planning industrial hygiene evaluations and/or
considering exposure controls:
Other worker protection staff (e.g., industrial safety professionals, health
Occupation medical staff
Environmental protection staff
Line management
Workers and worker representatives
Existing chemical and hazard inventories
Applicable written worker protection programs such as, respiratory, hazard
communication, ergonomics, lead, beryllium, confined space, and hearing
Injury and illness logs/databases and trending tools like the Computerized
Accident/Incident Reporting System (CAIRS) and Occurrence Reporting Binned
Information Trending Tool (ORBITT)/ Occurrence Reporting and Processing
System (ORPS).
(See also DOE G 440.1-1, Section 4.3.2; DOE G 440.1-2, Sections 4.3 and 4.8.1; DOE G
440.1-3, Section 4.3; DOE G 4401.4, Sections 4.2 and; and DOE G 440.1-7, Sections
IV.1, IV.2, and IV.3.)
Coordination with Planning and Design Staff.
DOE and contractor line management are required to coordinate planning and design activities
with industrial hygiene personnel to anticipate and control health hazards that proposed
facilities and/or operations would introduce. [Reference DOE O 440.1A, paragraph 4.j (1);
Attachment 1, paragraph 5.b; and Attachment 2, paragraphs 10.a and 18.b.]
5.2.1 Conceptual Design Phase.
Review at the conceptual design phase, the earliest phase of the project, is critical. This
is the phase when line management will most benefit from industrial hygiene input and
when the role of the industrial hygienist in the process is most easily established.
Specific design questions to be answered include:
To what extent can a system be designed to require minimum maintenance in order
to minimize exposures to maintenance personnel?
To what extent can the process be conducted in a closed system in order to
minimize exposures to workers and others in the vicinity?
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