| DOE-STD-6005-2001
including ensuring that employees follow established requirements and procedures
for avoiding or minimizing exposures to occupational health hazards.
Recognition of occupational health hazards associated with the jobs assigned to
employees working within their area of responsibility, the potential effects of those
hazards on employee health, and the methods appropriate and required to control
employee exposures.
The industrial hygiene components of the worker protection program.
5.6.3 Worker Training.
DOE and contractor line management shall ensure that workers are trained in:
Methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence of an
occupational health hazard in the work area (e.g., use of continuous monitoring
devices, visual appearance or odor of hazardous chemicals when being released).
An understanding of the physical and health hazards of the chemicals, ergonomic
stressors, and harmful physical and/or biological agents in the work area.
Measures that workers can take to protect themselves from these hazards, including
use of engineering controls, specific procedures, or other controls (such as
appropriate work practices, emergency actions, and PPE).
Details of the Chemical Hazard Communication (HAZCOM), Laboratory Chemical
Hygiene Plan (CHP), or Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
(HAZWOPER) program(s) developed by DOE or the contractor.
Details of any applicable operations or hazard-specific training programs.
(See also DOE G 440.1-1, Sections 4.2 and 4.5; DOE G 440.1-2, Section 4.6; DOE G
440.1-3, Section 4.4.3; and DOE G 440.1-7, Sections III.2.4, IV.6, and Appendix E.)
Coordination with Other Worker Protection Staff.
DOE and contractor line management are required to coordinate industrial hygiene efforts with
cognizant occupational medical, environmental protection, health physics, and work planning
professionals. [Reference: DOE O 440.1A, Attachment 1, paragraph 5.g; and Attachment 2,
paragraphs 18.g and 19.c(1)(a).]
Coordination must be established, maintained, and documented between the industrial hygiene
staff and other worker protection and organizational functions in the facility to ensure the
successful implementation and efficacy of the Worker Protection Program. These functions
include, but are not limited to: occupational medicine, epidemiology, industrial safety,
environmental protection, fire protection, health physics, purchasing, maintenance, engineering,
operations, contracting, quality assurance, and employee groups and recognized bargaining
units. For example, the senior industrial hygienist may recommend employees to be included
in medical surveillance and should participate in the review of occupational exposure and
medical surveillance data.
(See also DOE G 440.1-2, Section 4.2; DOE G 440.1-3, Sections 4.3, 4.4.2,, and 4.6.2;
and DOE G 440.1-4, Section 4.7.1.)
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