| DOE-STD-7501-99
Lessons Learned Template - Field Descriptions
Title of the lesson learned.
Date the lesson learned was issued.
Unique identification number to assist in referencing a lesson
learned that includes calendar year, operations office identifier,
organization or field/area office/contractor identifier, and a
sequential number (e.g., 1995-CH-BNL-0019;
Lessons Learned
Statement that summarizes the lesson(s) that was learned from
the activity.
Discussion of Activities:
Brief description of the facts which resulted in the initiation of the
lesson learned.
Results of any analysis that was performed, if available.
Recommended Actions :
A brief description of management-approved actions which were
taken, or will be taken, in association with the lesson learned.
Estimated Savings/Cost
If the lesson learned is implemented, an estimate of the savings
from the application of a good work practice or the costs avoided
from the prevention of a similar event.
Priority Descriptor:
A descriptive code that assigns a level of significance to the
lesson. Options include Red/Urgent, Yellow/Caution,
Blue/Information, Green/Good Work Practice.
The work or function(s) to which the lesson applies. Enter all that
apply. See listing.
User-Defined Category:
Space for organizations to include categories for internal use.
Hazards this lesson applies to or that were present in the original
situation. See listing.
ISM Core Function(s):
ISM Core Functions this lesson applies. See listing.
Name of the originating organization or contractor.
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