| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
may be prudent to evaluate these in an ORR unless recent reviews have shown them to be acceptable.
Startup or restart of a facility is problematic within a significantly flawed site infrastructure.
Conversely, a strong record of implementing DOE requirements, e.g., Conduct of Operations, would
allow for a justifiable reduction in depth in that area in the ORR.
Issues raised through other internal or external reviews: The ORR may need to verify that previously
raised issues have been adequately addressed. These issues may be facility-specific or may relate to
the site infrastructure within which the facility operates. Technical Safety Appraisals and Tiger
Team reports are important sources of these issues. The facility's experiences in implementing the
corrective actions and lessons learned may also provide a valuable perspective for determining the
depth of the ORR. Caution must be exercised in utilizing previous inspections as justification for
eliminating a topic or limiting the breadth of review. The adequacy of any previous review to be used
in this manner should be equivalent in all respects to the review that would have been conducted
during the ORR.
DOE O 425.1B requires that ORRs document lessons learned. Such lessons may assist in
determining the depth of the ORR. Previous reviews may highlight issues to be considered or may
provide the justification for doing a less detailed review if recent reviews and restart experience can
be cited.
Extent to which the facility/process has been evaluated or operated using the standards and level of
excellence being used in the ORR: In applying the graded approach, the extent to which the facility
has utilized or been evaluated against the current nuclear safety standards should be considered. A
facility that has operated successfully using the DOE nuclear safety standards may require a less
extensive ORR depth.
Appendix 1-6
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