| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
4.2.3 DOE ORR Plan-of-Action. Following receipt of the responsible contractor's plan-of-action,
the Operations Office management organization prepares the DOE ORR plan-of-action. The DOE ORR
plan-of-action includes in the breadth all areas appropriate to the responsible contractor plan-of-action
plus a thorough review of the DOE management organization for capability to oversee the facility
operations to be started. The DOE ORR plan-of-action includes prerequisites (Sections 4.5a and provide details), team leader designation, breadth of the DOE ORR (Section 5.4 and
Appendices 1 and 2 provide additional details on determination of the breadth), estimated schedule and
duration, and additional information required by DOE O 425.1B. The DOE ORR plan-of-action is
formally transmitted via management to the appropriate authorization authority with a copy to EH-2 for
review and comment. Once approved, the DOE ORR plan-of-action is provided to appropriate oversight
4.2.4 ORR Implementation Plan (DOE and responsible contractor). The approved plan-of-action is
provided to the designated ORR Team Leader. The Team Leader identifies the necessary team
membership to conduct the ORR. The Team Leader, with the assistance of the team, develops the
Implementation Plan. The Implementation Plan is the plan for conduct of the ORR. It includes the
checklists, evaluation criteria, review methodology, qualification requirements for team members,
reporting expectations, etc., as necessary, to efficiently execute and report the results of the ORR.
Section 5.9.2 describes the Implementation Plan in more detail.
4.2.5 Achieving Readiness. The responsible contractor line management takes action to bring the
facility into a condition of readiness to start or resume operations. As a part of that activity, management
self-assessment (MSA) activities may be appropriate. The responsible contractor effort to achieve
readiness may be conducted in accordance with a project management plan, startup plan, or other project
management document. Similarly, DOE line management also achieves readiness to oversee contractor
operation. A management self assessment of DOE line management, including management programs to
oversee contractor operations, may be appropriate.
4.2.6 Responsible Contractor ORR. Once contractor line management has determined that readiness
has been achieved by meeting all of the prerequisites specified in the approved responsible contractor
ORR plan-of-action, the contractor ORR is conducted and reported in accordance with the responsible
contractor ORR Implementation Plan. When prestart findings from the contractor ORR have been
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