| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
safety related equipment by the contractor and are, therefore, not part of the calibration
program. The contractor's position is that the gauges are informational only and not "safety
related equipment." The ORR team disagrees with this interpretation and asserts that the DP
gauges are "safety related equipment" in that they provide the means to monitor a TSR and
need to be reliable and, therefore, should be part of the M&TE Calibration Program.
Undesirable; confusing, argumentative, lacking in detail and background, requirement not
The DP gauges installed on the glove boxes are out of calibration. I looked at 13 of them and
all were out of calibration. The contractor maintains that they do not have to calibrate them
per the SAR. We disagree.
Finding Designation:
This section defines whether the finding is a prestart or post-start finding. The ORR Team Leader in
consultation with the Inspector and Senior Advisers, if applicable, will make this determination using the
criteria specified in the ORR plan-of-action.
The Finding Resolution Form is used by site management to document the plans and actions taken to
correct findings identified during the ORR and when completed would form the closure certificate
described in section 5.7.3 of the ORR standard. A separate Form 3 should be generated for each finding
related to a particular objective. For instance, if three findings are discovered while reviewing a CRA the
inspector would then generate three Form 2s to detail the deficiencies thereby requiring three Form 3's to
document the resolution of the findings.
Functional Area:
Print the ORR functional area to which the CRAD has been assigned.
CRA Number/Title:
Specifically identify the CRA or portion of the CRA that the Appraisal Form is to support. Provide the
name and number of the CRA or portion of CRA.
Appendix 4-25
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