| DOE-STD-3006-2000
important to safety as previously evaluated in the facility safety analyses could be increased; (2) the
possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the facility
safety analyses could be created; and, (3) any margin of safety as defined in the bases of the Technical
Safety Requirements could be reduced.
4.1 Purpose and Coverage. It is the Department's policy that program work shall not be started or
resumed in nuclear facilities until the facility has been brought to a state of readiness to safely conduct
that program work and that the state of readiness to operate has been verified (DOE O 425.1B). In some
circumstances, the Order requires that an Operational Readiness Review (ORR) be conducted by both
DOE and the responsible contractor to provide the verification. Procedures and requirements for the
ORR are described in this technical standard. This standard also provides procedures and guidance for
conduct of alternative readiness reviews such as Readiness Assessments.
The Operational Readiness Review is an activity to confirm that management has brought the facility to a
state of readiness to commence or resume program work. The management effort may include
management self-assessment activities in preparation for the ORRs. Once management concludes that
readiness has been achieved, this state of readiness is independently verified by the contractor ORR and
confirmed by the DOE ORR. Only then will the nuclear facility be authorized to resume program work.
There are two types of ORR, a contractor ORR and a DOE ORR. The DOE ORR is different from a
properly executed contractor ORR. The DOE ORR should start with an assessment of the adequacy and
accuracy of the contractor ORR. Because the contractor ORR provides the substantial basis for
acceptance of readiness, the DOE ORR should include an assessment of the scope of the contractor ORR,
and it should include actual verification by a sampling of contractor ORR results (e.g., verification of the
conduct of operations by walk-down of procedures, observation of normal and off-normal operations or
training evaluations, quizzing of personnel on training material, etc.). The DOE ORR should place
significant emphasis on the effectiveness of the contractor's preparations through actual demonstrations
of normal operations, abnormal events, emergency drills, etc. Additionally, the DOE ORR should assess
the readiness of the responsible DOE line organization(s) to safely manage operations, and the
effectiveness of coordination among organizations.
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