| DOE-STD-3006-2000
MG.1 A process has been established to identify, evaluate, and resolve deficiencies and
recommendations made by oversight groups, official review teams, audit organizations, and the operating
contractor. (CORE REQUIREMENT 15)
A system for identifying, reviewing, cataloging, and resolving deficiencies and recommendations
is adequately implemented. (5480.19, Ch. VI and VIII; 10 CFR 830.120, Conduct of Operations
Matrix; DOE P 450.4; S/RID FA 02)
Record Review: Review the issue management tracking system, selecting representative issues
and assessing the adequacy of XXX incorporation into the program. Assess the backlog and
prioritization system to ensure appropriate emphasis on the XXX.
Interviews: Interview issue management personnel to establish their qualification and
understanding of the program.
Shift Performance: Evaluate the Issue Management Programs' effectiveness in ensuring that
corrective actions are being completed and tracked to closure through the system.
MG.2 An adequate startup test program has been conducted which verifies the operability and integration
of the XXX equipment. The plant is in a material condition to support the safe startup of program work.
The program is adequate and is on schedule per approved startup plans to support safe startup.
(S/RID FAs 07, 08, and 10)
Appendix 4-7
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