| DOE-STD-3006-2000
The process of determining the operational readiness of DOE facilities is complex, involving many
technical and management issues at each specific facility or site. Operational Readiness Reviews (ORR)
must be accomplished by experienced, dedicated people and conducted with sufficient rigor and
discipline so Departmental leadership and independent oversight groups have confidence in the findings
and recommendations.
ORRs should be assumed to be subject to public scrutiny. In addition, results from these reviews may
form the basis for improvements at DOE facilities. For these reasons, it is essential that team members
substantiate their observations in writing, factually, accurately, and in such a way as to make clear the
details of observed strengths and weaknesses. Written reports from an ORR should be of the highest
technical accuracy and quality.
This guide is intended to assist team members in documenting their activities and findings.
Appendix 4-3
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