| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
were last conducted (for restarts) and the projected date for the startup; proposed type of readiness
review; basis or justification for proposed type of readiness review; proposed startup/restart authority.
This information allows for an informed decision to be made by DOE, as well as a confirmation that
the requirements are understood and implemented.
Each periodic SNR should be reviewed and approved by the DOE field element manager. In those
cases when the startup authority resides with the Program Secretarial Officer (PSO), the field element
manager should comment and make a recommendation regarding approval. This assures agreement at
the appropriate level for the startup decision, thus reducing the possibility of last minute changes of
direction, which are quite costly.
Each periodic SNR, including the field element comments and actions, should be forwarded to the
cognizant PSO, site Lead Program Secretarial Officer (LPSO), and EH-2. This provides the
information necessary for the PSO, LPSO, and EH-2 to execute their respective oversight functions.
Contractor readiness review action to start or restart operations should not commence until the DOE
startup or restart authority has approved the proposed readiness review process. Every startup or
restart of a nuclear operation, other than routine resumption of operations after short, planned
interruption, should be included in the SNR. These startups/restarts, requiring review, should be
started/restarted using an ORR or properly scoped RA as appropriate. Other routine resumptions of
operations can be conducted without a readiness review using normal contractor procedures for the
facility or activity. Contractor routine procedures should not be developed for the purpose of
avoiding a properly scoped Readiness Assessment. The RA process is flexible, yet assures the
minimum attributes needed to provide assurance to the DOE that work will be conducted safely.
In those cases when a startup or restart is identified that will occur within less than the period of the
latest SNR, a separate (or addendum) SNR should be provided to ensure timely agreement on the
details of the readiness review process for that restart.
5.1.3 Responsible Contractor Operational Readiness Review Plan-of-Action. For new starts and
restarts requiring an ORR, the responsible contractor management should provide an ORR plan-of-action
that specifies the intent to conduct an ORR and briefly describe the proposed ORR process to the DOE.
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