| ![]() DOE-STD-3006-2000
The facility systems and procedures, as affected by facility modifications, are consistent with
the description of the facility, procedures, and accident analysis included in the safety basis.
(CR #15)
Guiding Principle #6 Administrative and engineering controls to prevent and mitigate hazards are
tailored to the work being performed and associated hazards. Emphasis should be on designing the
work and/or controls to reduce or eliminate the hazards and to prevent accidents and unplanned
releases and exposures.
(10) There are adequate and correct procedures and safety limits for operating the process systems
and utility systems that include revisions for modifications that have been made to the
facility. (CR #1)(CR #18a)
(11) A routine drill program and emergency operations drill program, including program records,
have been established and implemented. (CR #9)
(12) An adequate startup or restart program has been developed that includes plans for graded
operations and testing after startup or resumption to simultaneously confirm operability of
equipment, the viability of procedures, and the performance and knowledge of the operators.
The plans should indicate validation processes for equipment, procedures, and operators after
startup or resumption of operations including any required restrictions and additional
oversight. (CR #10)
(13) The formality and discipline of operations is adequate to conduct work safely and programs
are in place to maintain this formality and discipline. (CR #12)
Guiding Principle #7 The conditions and requirements to be satisfied for operations to be initiated
and conducted are established and agreed-upon by DOE and the contractor. These agreed-upon
conditions and requirements are requirements of the contract and binding on the contractor. The
extent of documentation and level of authority for agreement shall be tailored to the complexity and
hazards associated with the work and shall be established in a Safety Management System.
Appendix 2-9
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