| ![]() DOE-TSL-1-2002
Non-Government standards adopted by DOE. Non-Government standards listed
in Appendix B are available from the organizations that prepare or distribute the documents.
The names of the organizations listed in Appendix B are provided at the end of the appendix
along with an address and telephone number. These documents may also be available at
libraries or from commercial information service companies.
Federal and military standardization documents. Copies of Federal and military
specifications, standards, handbooks, and Commercial Item Descriptions are available from:
Defense Printing Service Detachment Office
Building 4/Section D
700 Robbins Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111-5098
Assistance with orders may be available by calling (215) 697-2179. Information on ordering
Federal and military standardization documents can also be obtained at the Internet address
(URL) listed below:
Definitions of key terms used in this TSL are defined as follows:
Federal Supply Class (FSC). A four-digit federal coding structure used to group
technical standards into specific classes of commodities for procurement and standards
management purposes. The first two digits of each Federal Supply Class represent the
related Federal Supply Group (FSG). FSCs are discussed in the Directory of Points of
Contact for the DOE Technical Standards Program (DOE-TSL-2), and clarified in the Federal
Supply Classification, Part 1, Groups and Classes (DoD Cataloging Handbook H2-1).
Federal Supply Group (FSG). A two-digit federal coding structure (used as the
first of four digits) to group related Federal Supply Classes into logical families for standards
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