| ![]() DOE-TSL-1-2007
FAA AC 150/5320-5B
Airport Drainage
FAA AC 150/5320-6C
Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation
FAA AC 150/5325-5B
Airport Data
FAA AC 150/5340-1E
Marking of Paved Areas on Airports
FAA AC 150/5390-2
Heliport Design Guide
FCC 1037B
Glossary of Telecommunications Terms (Federal
Communication Commission)
FCM S4-1994
Federal Standard for Siting Meteorological Sensors at
FDA 83-8211
Preparedness and Response in Radiation Accidents, Health
and Human Services Publication
Fed. Const. Council 37
High Temperature Water for Heating and Light Process Loads
Fed. Const. Council 44
Fed. Const. Council 51
Combustion Equipment for Nonresidential Heating Boilers
Fed. Const. Council 57
Impact of Air Pollution Regulations on Fuel Selection for
Federal Facilities
Fed. Const. Council 69
Stationary Diesel Engines for Use with Generators to Supply
Electric Power
Fed. Const. Council 71
Nonresidential Steam Boilers and Hot Water Generators
Federal Geodetic Control
1984 Standards and Specifications for Geodetic Control
Federal Spec. AA-1927C
Padlock (Pin Tumbler Mechanism)
Federal Spec. AA-D-6008
Door and Vault Security
Federal Spec. AA-D-600B
Door, Vault, Security
Federal Spec. AA-V-2737
Modular Vault Systems
Federal Spec. FF-L-2740
Locks, Combination
Federal Spec. FF-P-110
Padlock, Changeable
Federal Spec. FF-P-2827
Padlock, Key Operated, General Field Service
Federal Spec. HH-I-515D
Insulation, Thermal (Loose-fill for Pneumatic or Poured
Apoplication): Cellulosic or Wood Fiber
Federal Spec. HH-I-524B
Insulation, Board, Thermal (Polystyrene) with interim
amendment 3
Federal Spec. HH-I-530A
Insulation, Board, Thermal (Polyurethane and
Polyisocynurate) with interim amendment 3
Federal Spec. HH-I-558B
Insulation Blocks, Boards, Blankets, Felts Sleeving (Pipe
and Tub Coverings), and Pipe Fitting Covering, Thermal
(Mineral Fiber, Insulation Type) and Amendment 3
Federal Spec. HH-I-558C
Insulation Blocks, Boards, Blankets, Felts Sleeving (Pipe
and Tub Coverings), and Pipe Fitting Covering, Thermal
(Mineral Fiber, Insulation Type)
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