| DOE-TSL-1-2007
NE M 7-10T
Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar
07/96 No longer needed
(ASME SB-408 with Additional
Requirements) (9/82)
NE M 7-11T
Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Rod
11/80 No longer needed
and Bar (ASME SB-336 with Additional
Requirements) (4/76)
NE M 7-12T
Nickel Wire (3/70)
03/79 No longer needed
NE M 7-13T
Ceramic-Insulated Magnet Wire (7/70)
03/79 No longer needed
NE M 7-14T
Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Rod
10/75 No longer needed
(ASME SB-336 with Additional
Requirements) (1/74)
NE M 7-22T
Tantalum-Tungsten Alloy Bars and Rods
03/76 No longer needed
(AMS 7848 with Additional Requirements)
NE M 7-23T
Austenitic Stainless Steel Bar for Core
04/85 Replaced by ASTM
Components (2/82)
NE M 7-24T
Austenitic Stainless Steel Wire for Core
07/96 No longer needed
Components (3/73)
NE M 8- 1T
Helical Age-Hardenable Nickel-Chromium-
07/96 No longer needed
Iron Alloy Springs (1/81)
NE M 9- 1T
Nickel-Chromium-Iron and Austenitic
04/75 No longer needed
Chromium-Nickel Alloy Seals (10/73)
NE M 10- 1T
Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Ingots
05/77 No longer needed
(ASTM B 350 with Additional
Requirements) (1/72)
NE M 11- 1T
Non-Metallic Seal Materials (2/69)
03/76 No longer needed
NE M 11- 2T
Impregnated Asbestos Packing Material
03/76 No longer needed
NE M 12- 1T
Test Requirements for Thermal Insulating
05/80 Replaced by ASTM
Materials for Use on Austenitic Stainless
C692-77 and C629-80
Steel (10/72)
NE M 12- 2T
Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal
05/80 Replaced by ASTM
Insulation (ASTM C 533 with Additional
C533-72, C795-77,
Requirements) (6/71)
and C929-80
NE M 12- 3T
Mineral Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal
05/80 Replaced by ASTM
Insulating and Finishing Cement (ASTM C
C449-77, C795-77,
449 with Additional Requirements (10/71)
and C929-80
NE M 12- 4T
Reflective Insulation (w/Amendment 1)
07/96 No longer needed
NE M 12- 5T
Thermal Insulation, Flexible or Molded,
07/96 No longer needed
High Temperature, Low Conductivity
(w/Amendment 1) (4/73)
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