| ![]() DOE-TSL-1-2007
1. This Department of Energy (DOE) technical standards list (TSL) has been prepared
by the Office of Nuclear and Facility Safety Policy (EH-22) on the basis of currently
available technical information. Periodic updates of this TSL will be issued as
additional information is received on DOE Technical Standards and other
Government and non-Government standards being issued, adopted, revised, or
canceled by DOE.
2. This document was prepared for use by personnel involved in the selection and use of
DOE Technical Standards and other Government and non-Government standards.
This TSL provides listings of current DOE Technical Standards, non-Government
standards that have been adopted by DOE, other Government documents in which
DOE has a recorded interest, and canceled DOE Technical Standards. Information on
new DOE Technical Standards projects, technical standards released for coordination,
recently published DOE Technical Standards, and activities of non-Government
standards bodies that may be of interest to DOE is published monthly in Standards
3. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, and deletions) and any pertinent
data that may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Manager,
DOE Technical Standards Program (EH-22), U.S. Department of Energy,
Washington, DC 20585.
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