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The bases for deriving safety limits, limiting control settings, limiting
conditions for operation, surveillance requirements, and administrative
controls are provided as appropriate.
The process for maintaining the TSRs current at all times and for
controlling their use is defined.
Safety Management Program Characteristics
Safety management program characteristics is the last of the DSA approval bases and
encompasses the elements of institutional programs and facility management that are
necessary to ensure safe operations based on assumptions made in the hazard and
accident analyses. While these elements must be addressed in the DSA, generic
descriptions of these institutional programs should not be duplicated in the DSA if they
can be referenced in Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) documents or site-
wide manuals. These institutional programs include (where applicable ) quality
assurance, procedures, maintenance, personnel training, conduct of operations,
emergency preparedness, fire protection, waste management, radiation protection, and
criticality safety. Identification of safety management program characteristics is a product
of hazard and accident analyses, designation of safety SSCs, and derivation of TSRs.
Determining the adequacy of safety management program characteristics generally
entails being able to conclude that the DSA contains sufficient documentation and basis
to arrive at the following conclusions:
The major programs needed to provide programmatic safety
management are identified.
Basic provisions of identified programs are noted, and references to
facility or site program documentation are provided.
The acceptance of safety management program characteristics does not constitute
acceptance of the adequacy of program compliance with DOE directives. That can only
be accomplished by detailed compliance review of each of the programs, which is
beyond the scope of a DSA.
Conditions of Approval
Conditions of approval should be used to document any changes, conditions, or hazard
controls directed by DOE. Purely editorial issues (e.g., punctuation, misspelling) that do
not change the meaning or technical content of the statement should not be handled
through conditions of approval. Conditions of approval should not be used to approve
DSAs with fundamental flaws . Large numbers of conditions of approval for a single DSA
may indicate that the DSA is fundamentally flawed and should prompt a review of which
issues should be corrected prior to approval of the DSA. DOE should not approve
conditions of approval for extended periods of time. A defined closure date or milestone
should be identified in the condition of approval. If a condition is intended to be applied
for an extended period of time the DSA should reflect that condition as part of the
analysis. Conditions of approval may identify compensatory measures that are required
for temporary periods until the conditions of approval are closed.
The following criteria constitute a basis for rejection of the DSA and should not be
addressed through conditions of approval.

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