| ![]() DOE-STD-1175-2003
Discuss the actions to be taken by a contractor and DOE upon identifying
information that indicates a potential inadequacy of the safety analysis.
Discuss the actions to be taken by a contractor and DOE if it is determined that a
PISA exists.
Describe the safety basis documents for the facilities in the STSM's organization
and how they are prepared, reviewed, approved, and updated:
The safety basis documents for the facilities under the purview of the STSM's
The scope of operations, hazards, postulated accidents, and
controls/requirements for the assigned facilities as documented in the safety
basis documents.
The safety basis documentation preparation, revision, and update processes
and the associated responsibilities of the contractor and DOE.
The review and approval processes for safety basis documents and the
associated responsibilities of the contractor and DOE.
The level of approval authority as it relates to Facility Hazard Categorization and
Classification and safety basis documents.
The steps in the preparation, review, and approval of a safety evaluation report.
The process for flow down of controls and requirements and the derived
operating procedures, processes, and programs.
Identify the conditions and procedures used to maintain and modify safety
Discuss the purpose, content, and philosophy, as appropriate to the position, of the
following safety management standards for nuclear explosive safety:
DOE O 452.1B, Nuclear Explosive and Weapons Surety Program
DOE O 452.2B, Safety of Nuclear Explosive Operations
DOE O 461.1, Packaging and Transfer or Transportation of Materials of
National Security Interest
DOE O 5610.13, Joint Department of Energy/Department of Defense Nuclear
Weapon System Safety, Security, and Control Activities
DOE O 5660.1B, Management of Nuclear Materials
Review and evaluate an unreviewed safety question (USQ).
Review and evaluate an Authorization Agreement.
Review and evaluate one or two chapters of a Documented Safety Analysis.
Walkdown a facility with a Facility Representative identifying the safety controls
contained in a Technical Safety Requirements (TSR).
An STSM shall have a working level knowledge of the application of
environmental standards, laws, and regulations.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills:
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