| ![]() DOE-STD-1175-2003
DOE-STD-3009-94, Preparation Guide for U.S. Department of Energy
Nonreactor Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports
DOE-HDBK-3010-94, Airborne Release Fractions/Rates and Respirable
Fractions for Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities
DOE-STD-3011-94, Guidance for Preparation of DOE 5480.22 (TSR) and DOE
5480.23 (SAR) Implementation Plans
DOE-EM-STD-5502-94, Hazard Baseline Documentation
10 CFR 820, Procedural Rules for DOE Nuclear Activities
10 CFR 830, Subpart B, "Safety Basis Requirements"
Discuss the development and maintenance of the requirements described in 10
CFR 830, Subpart B, "Safety Basis Requirements", for DOE and contractors
authorized to operate nuclear facilities.
Discuss the following items in the context of safe operation of a nuclear facility:
Authorization Agreements
Authorization Basis
Safety Basis
USQ Process
Safety Evaluation Report
Documented Safety Analysis
Safe Harbor Methodologies
Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis
Potential Inadequacies of the Safety Analysis (PISA)
Graded approach
Safety significant SSCs
Safety class SSCs
Limiting conditions for operation
Limiting control setting
Safety limit
Surveillance requirements
Startup Notification Report
Describe how the TSR is derived, how it is used, and what constitutes a violation.
Discuss the hazard categorization levels, chemical hazard classification levels, and
the process utilized to determine the facility hazard category or classification.
Discuss the reasons for performing a USQ determination.
Discuss the responsibilities of DOE and contractors authorized to operate nuclear
facilities for the performance of USQ determinations.
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