| ![]() DOE-STD-1175-2006
An STSM shall have a working level knowledge of the mechanisms used to
develop, approve, implement, and improve contractor Integrated Safety
Management (ISM) systems.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills:
Describe the overall objective of the Department-wide DOE M 411.1-1C, Safety
Management Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities Manual and the similar
lower-tier organization-level manuals developed by Headquarters Offices and
Field elements.
Give an example of a circumstance that might make it necessary or reasonable
to deviate from the responsibilities and authorities identified in the Functions,
Responsibilities, and Authorities Manual and describe the exemption process in
DOE M 251.1-1A, Directives System Manual.
Discuss in detail the requirements contained in Department of Energy Acquisition
Regulations (DEAR) Clauses 970.5223-1, Integration of Environment, Safety and
Health into work planning and execution, DEAR 970.5204-2, Laws, Regulations
and DOE Directives, and DEAR 970.5215-3, Conditional Payment of Fee.
Discuss in detail the process used to review and approve contractor ISM System
Discuss the implementing mechanisms, including work planning and control,
contained in the contractor's approved ISM System Description.
Discuss in detail the DOE mechanisms used to oversee implementation of the
contractor's ISM System Description.
Discuss the process used to maintain and update the contractor's approved ISM
System Description.
Describe the approach used to assess the effectiveness of the contractor's
approved ISM System.
Discuss the process used to develop and approve contractor annual ISM
performance objective, measures, and commitments.
Mandatory Performance Activities:
Lead or participate in an assessment of a site or facility's implementation of
Integrated Safety Management.
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