| ![]() DOE-STD-1175-2006
Equivalencies should be used sparingly and with the utmost rigor and scrutiny to maintain the
spirit and intent of the TQP. Equivalencies may be granted for individual competencies based
on objective evidence of previous education, training, certification, or experience. Objective
evidence includes a combination of transcripts, certifications, and in some cases, a knowledge
sampling through a written and/or oral examination. Equivalencies shall be granted in
accordance with the TQP Plan of the Site/Office/Headquarters organization qualifying the
individual. The supporting knowledge and/or skill statements and Mandatory Performance
Activities should be considered before granting equivalency for a competency.
Training shall be provided to employees in the TQP who do not meet the competencies
contained in the technical FAQS. Training may include, but is not limited to, formal classroom
and computer-based courses, self-study, mentoring, on the job training, and special
assignments. Departmental training will be based on appropriate supporting knowledge and/or
skill statements similar to the ones listed for each of the competency statements. Headquarters
and Field elements should use the supporting knowledge and/or skill statements as a basis for
evaluating the content of any training used to provide individuals with the requisite knowledge
and/or skill required to meet the technical FAQS competency statements.
Attainment of the competencies listed in this technical FAQS shall be documented in
accordance with the TQP Plan or Policy of the Site/Office/Headquarters organization qualifying
the individual.
Qualification of STSMs shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of DOE M
DOE Program Managers, Site/Service Center Managers or NNSA Deputy Administrators shall
require personnel filling STSM positions to requalify every five (5) years. The DOE STSM
Departmental Sponsor/Lead FTCP Agent shall establish the specific requalification training
designed to update and maintain the qualifications of STSMs. DOE Program Managers,
Site/Service Center Managers, or NNSA Deputy Administrators shall document the
requalification process which shall, at a minimum include the following:
Items added to the STSM FAQS since the individual's last qualification or
A combination of written examinations, oral examination, or facility/site walkthroughs,
as necessary, to demonstrate competency on the new material and those areas from
the initial qualification where the STSM has not demonstrated ongoing experience
during the past five (5) years.
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