| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1109-97
Radiological Safety Training for Radiation-Producing (X-Ray) Devices
Instructor's Guide
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
Analytical Systems.
For analytical X-ray machines, such as X-ray
fluorescence and diffraction systems, the
manufacturer provides shielding in accordance
with ANSI N43.2. However, prudent practice
requires that any device or source that involves
radiation should be surveyed to determine the
adequacy of the shielding.
Enclosed beam systems have sufficient shielding
so that the dose rate at 5 cm from its outer surface
does not exceed 0.25 mrem per hour under
normal operating conditions. The dose rate may
be difficult to evaluate. According to ANSI
N43.2, this requirement is met if the shielding is
at least equal to the thickness of lead specified in
the following table for the maximum rated anode
current and potential.
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