| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1109-97
Radiological Safety Training for Radiation-Producing (X-Ray) Devices
Instructor's Guide
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
(Insert facility-specific information on posting, labeling,
and entry requirements, as applicable.)
Fail-safe interlocks should be provided on doors and
access panels of X-ray devices so that X-ray production
is not possible when they are open. A fail-safe
interlock is designed so that any failure that can
reasonably be anticipated will result in a condition in
which personnel are safe from excessive radiation
Guidance from the ANSI standards is that interlocks
Refer to ANSI N43.2
should be tested by the operating group at least every
six months. The interlock test procedure may be locally
specified, but typically is as follows:
1. Energize the X-ray tube.
2. Open each door or access panel one at a time.
3. Observe the X-ray warning light or current meter at
the control panel.
4. Record the results in a log.
(Insert facility-specific information, as appropriate.)
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