| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Show OT 9.1 and OT 9.2.
State objectives.
10 CFR Part 835.501(d) requires written
authorizations to control entry and perform work in
Review Chp 3, Part 2 of DOE-
radiological areas, commensurate with the
STD-1098-99, Radiological
Control, July 1999
radiological hazards. DOE-STD-1098-99,
provides guidance on DOE's expectations for such
written authorizations.
These written authorizations may take a variety of
forms tailored to the work processes involved.
Often, the form will be that of a Radiological Work
Permit (RWP), discussed in detail below.
Obj. 1
Identify types of job hazards that
are not addressed by
Radiological Work Permits (RWPs)
Radiological Work Permits
A. Purpose
The RWP is designed to document the
radiological conditions and associated controls
in a work area. The RWP should be integrated
with other work authorizations that address
safety and health issues, such as those for
industrial safety and hygiene, welding, and
confined space entry.
Articles 311 and 312 of DOE-STD-1098-99
provide guidance on preparing work control
procedures consistent with the principles of
Integrated Safety Management. This includes
use of multidiciplinary teams to prepare work
control procedures for tasks involving significant
types of hazards and referring to DOE Order
440.1A, Worker Protection Management for
DOE Federal and Contractor Employees.
B. Typical RWP process
Show OT 9.3.
1. Requester submits an RWP request form.
The process may be different at
your site or facility.
2. Radiological Control Supervisor accepts
form, collects additional job information as
necessary, and assures that completion of
Module 9 2
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