| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
appropriate radiological surveys to be
performed in the work area.
3. Radiological Control Technicians, or other
appropriately trained and authorized
personnel, perform surveys, analyze
samples, and report results.
4. RWP controls are established based on the
results of the surveys.
5. Radiological Control personnel, in
consultation with relevant technical staff,
complete, distribute and implement the RWP.
6. Radiological Workers and Radiological
Show OT 9.4.
Control personnel review completed RWP,
prior to start of job, during pre-job briefs,
and/or ALARA reviews.
7. Radiological Worker/Supervisor advises
Radiological Control personnel when job is
complete (so RWP can be terminated).
8. Radiological Control personnel maintain
surveys and RWP documentation.
C. Types of RWPs
Show OT 9.5.
There are two basic types of Radiological Work
Obj. 2
Describe the two basic types of
Job-specific RWP
General RWP
The job-specific permit is used for jobs which
present a greater potential for significant
radiation dose, airborne radioactivity, or spread
of contamination, and which involve "hands on"
Examples of jobs that would likely require job-
specific RWPs include those where work is:
Module 9 3
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