| Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Radiological Work Site
Supplies and Equipment for Mock Exercise
Mockup Demonstration
Checklist for Module 11
This item is needed:
rubber mallet
install and dismantle PVC pipe support
standard screwdriver
tighten glove hose clamps
pipe wrench
tighten valve connections
"hot spot" blank labels
enter field information on dose rates
"bogus'" radiological
simulate erroneous posting of radiological
AREA signs with
incorrect wording and/or
step-off pad
simulate radiological area exit
razor knife
cut glove penetrations into bag
yellow tape
seal valve-to-glove bag surfaces
yellow lead blanket
shield "hot spots"
yellow poly bottle
stage in background, outside radiological
stanchions ("rad rope")
simulate radiological area boundaries
office trash can
serve as a "prop"
Module 11 3
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