| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Show OT 17.1.
State objectives.
Obj. 1
List the three finding categories
Writing assessment findings
and describe how to separate
surface issues from underlying
A. Organization of findings
substantial issues.
There may be considered to be three categories
Show OT 17.2.
of assessment findings in order of increasing
Example - One Radiological
Surface findings (Type I) are usually
Worker is seen leaving
indicators of underlying issues that may be
Contamination Area without
more significant. Note that a common
frisking properly.
problem is treating or correcting only the
surface issue while ignoring the underlying
problem--this results in problem recurrence.
Substantial findings (Type II) are typically
Example - Lack of monitoring
training or adequate monitoring
issues that are underlying and more
significant. Note that correcting the
underlying problem results in solving the
Example - Culture is such that
Organizational findings (Type III) deal with
frisking is not routinely performed,
programmatic or global issues. Note that
nor protective clothing worn.
correcting these is very difficult if they involve
system, organizational, or institutional
Now, remembering that there are
three levels of findings, we must
analyze the long list of findings
compiled during the field exercise
and establish what is really
important in the "big picture."
Module 17 2
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