| Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
First, group like, related, or similar findings
into a broader issue.
Obj. 2
Then, review the overall list of groupings for
List three of the five priority
priority. The bases are:
groupings for assessment
1. Imminent danger
Show 17.3.
Life Safety Code
Personnel Safety
Facility Safety
Confined Space
2. Not imminent, but potential danger
Environmental monitoring, e.g.,
inadequate stack monitors
Place the findings on dry erase
board, list the groups (concerns)
3. Violations of regulations, laws, orders
that constitute the basis for a
concern or overall finding.
4. Areas where adverse public opinion may
5. Performance and effectiveness issues
Usually a large number of findings fall
into this category, which captures
effectiveness and quality issues.
Finally, establish what is most important and
what should be brought to the attention of the
senior DOE and contractor management.
Module 17 3
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