| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
Show OT 19.1.
State objectives.
Field exercise guidelines
A. Briefing for field exercise
This afternoon, we are going to
The field instructors have prepared to take their
start the preparations for going to a
facility where we will be assessing
participants to the field. They have visited the
radiological operations. This
facility and areas for review, and have compiled
training should enhance our
information for their participants to use in
assessment skills.
preparation for the field exercise.
Good assessment techniques can
be taught and learned through
B. Preparations to go to field
classroom discussions, but nothing
brings it all together like the
A tendency exists to identify surface issues and
application of techniques under the
seek correction of the many items found while
tutelage of an experienced field
walking through the facility. It is vital that
instructor. This is your opportunity
to apply the material and practice
personnel who assess be able to sort the issues
the methods learned during the
noted and categorize them so effective use of
field exercise portion of the course.
resources can be made. In other words,
identification of symptoms leads to contractors
working on the symptoms and not on the
underlying, substantive problems.
It can be extremely damaging if we (as overseers,
facility representatives, auditors, or assessors)
Show OT 19.2.
violate the high standards of performance and
rules that are being assessed.
It is important to understand that
we are constantly being
monitored ourselves and that we
Personal safety and facility safety are first and
must set the example.
Please follow all radiation
protection rules and regulations.
Module 19 2
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