| ![]() Radiological Assessor Training
Instructor's Guide
C. Findings
Show OT 19.3.
Each person will make a presentation to the
group. The team leaders will introduce the
Review the requirement for each
group, tell where you went, and introduce each
person to prepare one finding or
concern to be shared with the
presenter. Each person should take no more
that one and one-half minutes for the
(one-and-one-half minute time limit
presentation of a finding. Some of the "cats and
per finding).
dogs," or other findings and observations, will be
covered at the end of the individual findings.
The Lead Field Instructor will monitor the overall
presentation and comment as appropriate.
Show OT 19.4.
We hope to see presentations in this form:
Refer participants to page 49 of
handouts, "Field Exercise
1. List the requirement.
Guidelines for Participants." Allow
sufficient time for participants to
2. State what was observed.
read and ask questions.
3. State the concern.
Obj. 1
Demonstrate applied field
assessment techniques.
Obj. 2
Present a finding to the class after
return from the field.
Summarize lesson.
Review objectives.
Ask for questions.
Module 19 3
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