| ![]() Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Instructor's Guide
Introduce module.
Show OT 5.1 and OT 5.2.
State objectives.
Ask students for their definition of
communication. Write responses on
A. Communicating is one of the basic functions
flip chart.
human beings must perform. Since it is basic,
often it is assumed that everyone communicates
Communication is the process of
proficiently. That is not always the case. Often,
transferring information from one
person to another.
everyday problems can be traced back to
communication as a primary or contributing
III. Interpersonal communication
A. Communication styles
Studies show that people tend to communicate in
a style that best suits their given personality.
There are many personality trait assessments
available that give us a better understanding of
who we are. Some examples are Myers-Briggs,
Herman's Brain Dominance, and Birkman
Refer students to page 2 of handouts,
B. The communication process
"The Communication Process."
1. Sender's filters
Obj. 1
Identify the components of a
The sender has an idea that must be
communication process model.
transmitted to a receiver.
Use an example to "walk" through
the process from sender to receiver.
Perceptions, assumptions, attitudes, and
past experiences are filters through which
the sender's messages must travel.
These can distort the idea.
Module 5 - 3
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