| ![]() Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Instructor's Guide
1. Radiological performance goals
Goals are intended as a measure of and
a motivation for improvement, and not an
end in themselves.
Show and discuss site-specific
Performance goals should have these
Meaningful in promoting improvement
Goals need to be developed primarily by
Identify other site-specific goals.
those responsible for performing the
List on flip chart.
Site-specific goals need to be developed.
2. Performance indicators
Performance indicators should be used
as tools to assist management in focusing
their priorities and attention.
Performance indicators should be tracked
and trended for the prior 12-month period.
If available, show a recent site-
specific indicator status report.
To promote worker awareness of their
radiation exposure status, selected
Summarize lesson.
indicators related to their work group
Ask for questions.
should be posted in the workplace.
Review objectives.
Site-specific indicator status reports
should be tracked.
Module 3 - 10
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