| Radiological Control Training for Supervisors
Instructor's Guide
Any contaminated wound.
See page 55 of DOE-STD-1121-
Contamination on protective clothing,
98 for recommended values for
skin or facial area or unplanned spread
of contamination on accessible areas
above site specified thresholds.
Show OT 3.10.
Detectable contamination inside a
respirator after its removal.
The Radiological Control Organization
directs that bioassay analyses be
performed when an intake is
E. Reducing exposure
Incorporate dose reduction, contamination
reduction, and waste minimization features into
the design of new facilities, or modification of
Show OT 3.11.
existing facilities.
1. Maintenance and modification plans and
procedures should be reviewed to identify
and incorporate radiological requirements,
"Checklist for Reducing
such as the following:
Occupational Radiation Exposure"
(RadCon Standard, page 3-29)
Engineered controls
Dose reduction considerations
Contamination reduction considerations
Show OT 3.12.
F. Radiological performance
Establish and maintain, from the lowest to the
highest levels, line management involvement
and accountability for Departmental radiological
Module 3 - 9
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