| ![]() DOE-STD-1120-2005/Vol. 1
sources), interaction with available energy sources, segmentation assumptions, or nature of the
process assumptions that may affect criticality safety.
Facility changes will also occur throughout a decommissioning project that are anticipated and
described within the decommissioning plan and DSA. These changes should be reviewed as part
of the work control process. However, changes which are already analyzed and approved as part
of the existing safety basis will typically not require a USQ evaluation.
Whether anticipated or not, facility changes should be subject to a real time configuration
management process. Drawings or one line diagrams, schematics, and equipment lists that
illustrate SSCs and system boundaries described in the DSA should be current at
implementation. A single authority (often the shift manager or configuration control authority)
should be designated to maintain these drawings and lists as the facility changes, or systems and
components are removed.
Proposed changes to configuration are typically evaluated as a part of the work planning process.
Requisite reviews, such as engineering, fire protection, nuclear safety, environmental, etc.
approve the change through the planning process. The configuration control authority verifies
system status prior to authorizing work, and records system changes once the work is authorized.
Affected safety management programs may periodically review the accuracy of drawings and
lists to ensure status and configurations are current as a part of their self assessment program.
The configuration control authority should serve as the single point reference for the facility's
status and condition at any given point in time. Log keeping, upkeep of status boards, and timely
documentation of changes is vital to ensuring the work remains within the evaluated scope.
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