| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1105-2002
Radiological Training for Tritium Facilities
Instructional Materials Development
Target Audience
Course instructional materials were developed for specific employees who are responsible for knowing or
using the knowledge or skills for each course. With this in mind, the participant should never ask the
question, "Why do I need to learn this?" However, this question is often asked when the participant cannot
apply the content of the program. It is the responsibility of management to select and send workers to
training who need the content of the program. When workers can benefit from the course, they can be
motivated to learn the content and apply it on their jobs. Care should be taken to read the course
descriptions along with the information about who should attend. Participants and DOE facilities alike will
not benefit from workers attending training programs unsuitable for their needs.
A background and foundation of knowledge facilitates the trainee in learning new knowledge or skills. It is
much easier to learn new material if it can be connected or associated to what was previously learned or
experienced. Curriculum developers who have been involved in preparing instructional materials for the
core training know this and have established what is referred to as "prerequisites" for each course.
Certain competencies or experiences of participants were also identified as necessary prior to participants
attending a course. Without these competencies or experiences, the participants would be at a great
disadvantage and could be easily discouraged and possibly fail the course. It is not fair to the other
participants, the unprepared participant, and the instructor to have this misunderstanding.
Training Material
Training materials for the program consist of lesson plans, study guides and handouts. The training content
should be presented in its entirety. Overhead transparencies are provided in support of the training content
and may be substituted or supplemented with updated or site-specific information.
Supplemental material and training aids may be developed to address site-specific radiological concerns
and to suit individual training styles. References are cited in each lesson plan and may be used as a
resource in preparing site-specific information and training aids.
Each site is responsible for establishing a method to differentiate the site-specific information from the
DOE developed lesson plan material. When additional or site-specific information is added to the text of
the core lesson plan material, a method should be used to differentiate site information from DOE
developed material.
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