| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
Performance Categories 2, 3, and 4
All aspects of the seismic design or evaluation must include independent peer review.
The seismic design or evaluation review should include design philosophy, structural
system, construction materials, design/evaluation criteria used, and other factors
pertinent to the seismic capacity of the facility. The review need not provide a detailed
check but rather an overview to help identify oversights, errors, conceptual deficiencies,
and other potential problems that might affect facility performance during an
earthquake. The peer review is to be performed by independent, qualified personnel.
The peer reviewer must not have been involved in the original design or evaluation. If
the peer reviewer is from the same company/organization as the designer/evaluator, he
must not be part of the same program where he would be influenced by cost and
schedule considerations. Individuals performing peer reviews must be degreed
civil/mechanical engineers with 5 or more years of experience in seismic evaluations.
Note that it can be very beneficial to have the peer reviewer participating early in the
project such that rework can be minimized.
Alternate Seismic Mitigation Measures
Seismic Base Isolation - An innovative technology for mitigating the effects of
earthquakes on structures is seismic base isolation. With this technology, a flexible isolation
system is placed between the structure and the ground to decouple the structure from the
potentially damaging motion of an earthquake. Ideally, an isolation system shifts the natural
period of an isolated structure above the predominant period range of an earthquake. In addition
to the period shift, isolation changes the dynamic response of the structure due to nonlinear
hysteretic behavior of the isolation system and the flexibility of the isolation system compared to
that of the structure. An isolation system essentially transforms the large accelerations from
earthquake motion in to large displacements of the isolation system. A main attribute of seismic
base isolation is that it substantially limits damage in a structure by significantly reducing the
forces and interstory drift that are generated during an earthquake. For a design-level
earthquake, the displacements in a structure are essentially limited to a rigid body displacement
with negligible interstory drift. Additionally, the seismic demand is limited to the base shear or
base acceleration transferred through the isolation system. By reducing forces and interstory
drift generated in a structure, seismic base isolation provides protection for the structure and its
contents so that a structure can remain operational during and immediately following an
earthquake. Seismic base isolation may be an earthquake resistant design option that provides
increase structural performance as compared with conventional seismic design. In contrast to
traditional design techniques of strengthening and anchoring, a base isolation system dissipates
seismic energy so that a new or existing SSC can be designed for lower seismic forces.
The UBC (Ref. C-2), beginning with the 1991 edition, contains regulations for the
design of seismic isolated structures. Efforts are currently underway to determine how these
regulations can be adopted within the DOE. Without specific guidance or criteria for the use of
seismic base isolation in the DOE, it is recommended that the regulations in the IBC 2000 be
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