| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
carefully followed with the same considerations as outlined in Chapter 2. As discussed in
Chapter 2, the IBC provisions are appropriate for PC-1 and PC-2 SSCs. It is not recommended
that seismic base isolation be considered for Performance Category 3 or 4 SSCs until there is
specific guidance or criteria for its use in the DOE.
There are important technical and economic issues that should be considered before
applying seismic base isolation to a SSC. Technical issues include the local site conditions, the
structural configuration of the SSC, additional structural considerations for the SSC in order to
properly accommodate seismic base isolation, and the interaction of the isolated SSC and
adjacent SSCs. Economic issues include additional design and analysis efforts beyond that
which is typically required for traditional design techniques, special provisions to meet
regulatory requirements, and the techniques for properly evaluating the cost/benefit ratios of a
base isolated SSC. While these technical and economic issues are not all-inclusive, they provide
an indication of the care and precautions that should be exercised when considering seismic base
isolation. Adequate evaluations are needed to determine, on a case-by-case basis, if seismic base
isolation is a viable design option or if it is not an appropriate design solution.
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