| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
Chapter 2
Earthquake Design and Evaluation Criteria
This chapter describes requirements for the design or evaluation of all classes (i.e. safety
class, safety significant) of structures, systems, and components (SSCs) comprising DOE
facilities for earthquake ground shaking. These classes of SSCs include safety class and safety
significant SSCs per DOE-STD-3009-94 (Ref. 1-6) and all SSCs per the International Building
Code 2000 (IBC 2000) and other codes with seismic provisions comparable to NEHRP
provisions. This material deals with how to establish Design/Evaluation Basis Earthquake
(DBE) loads on various classes of SSCs; how to evaluate the response of SSCs to these loads;
and how to determine whether that response is acceptable. This chapter also covers the
importance of design details and quality assurance to earthquake safety. These earthquake
design and evaluation provisions are equally applicable to buildings and to items contained
within the building, such as equipment and distribution systems. These provisions are intended
to cover all classes of SSCs for both new construction and existing facilities. These design and
evaluation criteria have been developed such that the target performance goals listed in
Appendices B and C are achieved. For more explanation see the Commentary (Appendix C)
herein and the Basis Document (Ref. 2-1).
General Approach for Seismic Design and Evaluation
This section presents the approach upon which the specific seismic force and story drift
provisions (as applicable) for seismic design and evaluation of structures, systems, and
components in each Performance Category (as described in Section 2.3) is based. These
provisions include the following steps:
Selection of earthquake loading
Evaluation of earthquake response
Specification of seismic capacity and applicable drift limits, (acceptance
Ductile detailing requirements for buildings
It is important to note that the above four elements taken together comprise the
earthquake design and evaluation criteria. Acceptable performance (i.e., achieving performance
goals) can only be reached by consistent specification of all design criteria elements as shown in
Figure 2-1. In order to achieve the target performance goals, these seismic design and evaluation
criteria specify seismic loading in probabilistic terms. The remaining elements of the criteria
(see Fig. 2-1) are deterministic design rules which are familiar to design engineers and which
have a controlled level of conservatism. This level of conservatism combined with the
specification of seismic loading, leads to performance goal achievement.
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