| DOE-STD-1020-2002
Deterministic Procedure
Meet Performance
Based on Industry Codes
Goal (consistent with
and Standards
DOE Safety Policy)
Bas is
(with historic check)
Re asonable Le vel
Conservatism Added
of Haz ard
Figure 2-1. DOE-STD-1020 Combines Probabilistic and Deterministic Methods to
Achieve Performance Goals
Criteria are provided for each of the four Performance Categories 1 to 4 as defined in
DOE O 420.1, the accompanying Guide DOE G 420.1-2 (Ref. 1-2 ) and DOE-STD-1021 (Ref. 1-
10). The criteria for Performance Categories 1 and 2 are similar to those from model building
codes. Criteria for PC-3 are similar to those for Department of Defense Essential Facilities
(Ref. C-5) Tri-Services Manual. Criteria for PC-4 approach the provisions for commercial
nuclear power plants.
Seismic loading is defined in terms of a site-specific design response spectrum (the
Design/Evaluation Basis Earthquake, [DBE]). Either a site-specific design response spectrum
developed for the site, or a generic design response spectrum that is appropriate or conservative
for the site may be used. Seismic hazard estimates are used to establish the DBE per DOE-STD-
1023 (REF. 2-22).
For each Performance Category, a mean annual exceedance probability for the DBE, PH
is specified from which the maximum ground acceleration (and/or velocity) may be determined
from probabilistic seismic hazard curves, see Table 2-1. Evaluating maximum ground
acceleration from a specified mean annual probability of exceedance is illustrated in Figure 2-2a.
Earthquake input excitation to be used for design and evaluation by these provisions is defined
by a median amplification smoothed and broadened design/evaluation response spectrum shape
such as that shown in Figure 2-2b (from Ref. 2-2). Such spectra are determined in accordance
with DOE-STD-1023 (Ref. 2-19).
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