| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
Chapter 4
Flood Design and Evaluation Criteria
Flood Design Overview
The flood design and evaluation criteria seek to ensure that safety structures, systems and
components (SSCs) at DOE sites satisfy the performance goals described in the appendices B
and C of this STD. These criteria consider the design of SSCs for regional flood hazards (i.e.,
river flooding) and local precipitation that effects roof design and site drainage. This chapter
describes the flood criteria, presents the design basis flood (DBFL) that must be considered in
flood design, presents the criteria for the design of civil engineering systems (e.g., structures, site
drainage, roof systems and roof drainage, etc.) and presents alternative design strategies for flood
hazards. Guidance is also provided to evaluate existing SSCs that may not be located above the
DBFL, to assess whether the performance goals are satisfied. Determination of the DBFL shall
be accomplished in accordance with DOE-STD-1023 (Ref. 4-1).
Table 4-1 provides the flood criteria for Performance Categories 1 through 4. The
criteria are specified in terms of the flood hazard input, hazard annual probability, design
requirements, and emergency operation plan requirements. The hazard annual probability levels
in Table 4-1 correspond to the mean hazard.
Evaluation of the flood design basis for SSCs consists of:
determination of the DBFL for each flood hazard as defined by the
hazard annual probability of exceedance and applicable combinations of
flood hazards,
evaluation of the site stormwater management system (e.g., site runoff
and drainage, roof drainage),
development of a flood design strategy for the DBFL that satisfies the
criteria performance goals (e.g., build above the DBFL, harden the
facility), and
design of civil engineering systems (e.g., buildings, buried structures,
site drainage, retaining walls, dike slopes, etc.) to the applicable DBFL
and design requirements.
Each of these areas is briefly described in the following subsections.
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