| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
Different structures, systems, or components may have different specified performance
goal probabilities, PF. It is required that for each structure, system, or component, either: (1) the
appropriate RR factor will be specified in a design specification or implementation document that
invokes these criteria. As shown in Table C-3, the recommended hazard exceedance
probabilities and performance goal exceedance probabilities are different. These differences
indicate that conservatism must be introduced in the seismic behavior evaluation approach to
achieve the required risk reduction ratio, RR. In earthquake evaluation, there are many places
where conservatism can be introduced, including:
Maximum design/evaluation ground acceleration and velocity.
Response spectra amplification.
Analysis methods.
Specification of material strengths.
Estimation of structural capacity.
Load or scale factors.
Importance factors/multipliers.
Limits on inelastic behavior.
Soil-structure interaction (except for frequency shifting due to SSI).
Effective peak ground motion.
Effects of a large foundation or foundation embedment.
For the earthquake evaluation criteria in this standard, conservatism is intentionally
introduced and controlled by specifying (1) hazard exceedance probabilities, (2) load or scale
factors, (3) importance factors, (4) limits on inelastic behavior, and (5) conservatively specified
material strengths and structural capacities. Load factors have been retained for the evaluation
of PC-1 and PC-2 SSCs because the IBC approach (which includes these factors) is followed for
these categories. These factors are not used for Performance Category 3 and higher SSCs.
However, a seismic scale factor SF is used to provide the difference in risk reduction ratio RR
between PC-3 and PC-4. Material strengths and structural capacities specified for Performance
Category 3 and higher SSCs correspond to ultimate strength code-type provisions (i.e., ACI
318-99 for reinforced concrete, LRFD, or AISC Chapter N for steel). Material strengths and
structural capacities specified for PC-1 and PC-2 SSCs correspond to either ultimate strength or
allowable stress code-type provisions. It is recognized that such provisions introduce
conservatism. In addition, significant additional conservatism can be achieved if considerations
of effective peak ground motion, soil-structure interaction are introduced, and effects of large
foundation or foundation embedment are ignored.
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