| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
combination of flood hazards (e.g., river flooding and wind-wave action)
given in Table 4-2, and
Corresponding loads associated with the DBFL peak-hazard level and
applicable load combinations (e.g., hydrostatic and/or hydrodynamic
forces, debris loads).
The first item is determined as part of the probabilistic flood hazard assessment. Limited
flood hazard assessments for some DOE sites have been conducted (see Refs. 4-4, 4-5, and 4-6).
Flood loads are assessed for the DBFL on a SSC-by-SSC basis.
Table 4-2 defines the flood design basis events that must be considered. The events
listed in Table 4-2 should be considered as part of the site flood hazard assessment. For
example, if a river is a source of flooding, wind waves must be considered. The DBFL is
determined by entering the flood hazard curve which includes the combination of events in Table
4-2. For example, at a site located on an ocean shore, the flood hazard curve should include the
effects of storm surge, tides and wind-waves.
If the hazard annual probability for a primary flood hazard is less than the design basis
hazard annual probability for a given Performance Category (see Table 4-1), it need not be
considered as a design basis event. For instance, if the hazard annual probability for
Performance Category 1 is 2x10-3 per year, failure of an upstream dam need not be considered if
it is demonstrated that the mean probability of flooding due to dam failure is less than 2x10-3.
4.1.2 Flood Evaluation Process
The following describes the steps involved in the evaluation of SSCs. The procedure is
general and applies to new and existing construction. It is oriented toward the evaluation of
individual SSCs. However, due to the nature of flood events (i.e., river flooding may inundate a
large part of a site and thus many SSCs simultaneously), it may be possible to perform an
evaluation for the entire site or a group of SSCs.
The flood evaluation process is illustrated in Figure 4-1. It is divided into the
consideration of regional flood hazards and local precipitation. For new construction, design
practice (see Section 4.1.3) is to construct the SSC above the DBFL, thus avoiding the flood
hazard and eliminating the consideration of flood loads as part of the design. The design of the
site stormwater management system and structural systems (i.e., roofs) for local precipitation
must be adequate to prevent flooding that may damage a SSC or interrupt operations to the
extent that the performance goals are not satisfied.
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