| DOE-STD-1020-2002
earthquake provisions (Ref. B-8), and even by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission which
provides graded criteria from power plants to other licensed nuclear facilities.
The motivation for the use of probabilistic performance goals by the NPH Guide for
DOE O 420.1 and DOE-STD-1020 is to accomplish the graded approach using a quantified
approach consistent with the variety of DOE facilities as well as meeting the risk-based DOE
safety policy. Furthermore, the use of probabilistic performance goals enables the development
of consistent criteria both for all natural phenomena hazards (i.e., earthquakes, winds, and
floods) and for all DOE facilities which are located throughout the United States. The use of
performance goal based criteria is becoming common practice as: it is embedded in recent
versions of the Uniform Building Code, International Building Code and in the DOD seismic
provisions for essential buildings; it has been used for DOE new production reactor NPH
criteria; and it has been utilized in recent Nuclear Regulatory Commission applications such as
for the advanced light water reactor program and for revisions to commercial reactor geological
siting criteria in 10CFR100, Appendix A.
Five performance categories are specified in the Guide for DOE O 420.1for
design/evaluation of DOE structures, systems, and components for natural phenomena hazards
ranging from 0 through 4. Table B-1 presents both the qualitative and quantitative descriptions
of the performance goals for each performance category. Both the qualitative description of
acceptable NPH performance and the quantitative probability value for each performance
category are equally significant in establishing these NPH design and evaluation criteria within a
graded approach. SSCs are to be placed in categories in accordance with DOE G 420.1-2 and
DOE-STD-1021-93 (Ref. B-9). Additional guidance on performance categorization is available
in Reference B-10. For Quantitative values of performance goals for PC-1 and PC-2, further
elaboration is provided in Appendix C.
As mentioned previously, the quantitative performance goal probability values are
applicable to each natural phenomena hazard (earthquake, wind, and flood) individually. The
earthquake and flood design and evaluation criteria presented in this document are aimed at
meeting the target performance goals given in Table B-1. The extreme wind and tornado design
and evaluation criteria presented in this document are conservative compared to earthquake and
flood criteria in that they are aimed at lower probability levels than the target performance goals
in Table B-1. It is estimated that for extreme winds, the probabilities of exceeding acceptable
behavior limits are less than one order of magnitude smaller than the performance goals in Table
B-1. For tornado criteria, the probabilities of exceeding acceptable behavior limits are greater
than one but less than two orders of magnitude smaller than the performance goals for
Performance Categories 3 and 4. This additional conservatism in wind and tornado criteria for
design and evaluation of DOE facilities is consistent with common practice in government and
private industry. Furthermore, this additional conservatism can be accommodated in the design
of SSCs without significantly increasing costs. SSCs in Performance Categories 3 and 4 should
be designed for tornadoes at certain sites around the country where tornado occurrences are high.
The tornado hazard probability must be set lower than necessary to meet the performance goals
in order for tornadoes rather than straight winds or hurricanes to control the design criteria.
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