| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
Table B-1 Structure, System, or Component (SSC) NPH Performance Goals for Various
Performance Categories
NPH Performance Goal Annual
Probability of Exceeding
Performance Goal
Acceptable Behavior Limits, PF
No Safety, Mission, or Cost
No requirements
10-3 of the onset of SSC(1) damage to the extent that
Maintain Occupant Safety
occupants are endangered
Occupant Safety, Continued
5x10-4 of SSC damage to the extent that the component
Operation with Minimum
cannot perform its function
Occupant Safety, Continued
10-4 of SSC damage to the extent that the component
cannot perform its function
Hazard Confinement
Occupant Safety, Continued
10-5 of SSC damage to the extent that the component
Operation, Confidence of
cannot perform its function
Hazard Confinement
These performance goals are for each natural phenomena hazard (earthquake, wind, and
flood). For seismic performance goals for PC-1 and PC-2, refer to Appendix C.
SSC refers to structure, system, or component (equipment).
The design and evaluation criteria for SSCs in Performance Categories 0, 1, and 2 are
similar to those given in model building codes. Performance Category 0 recognizes that for
certain lightweight equipment items, furniture, etc., and for other special circumstances where
there is little or no potential impact on safety, mission, or cost, design or evaluation for natural
phenomena hazards may not be needed. Assignment of an SSC to Performance Category 0 is
intended to be consistent with, and not take exception to, model building code NPH provisions.
Performance Category 1 criteria include no extra conservatism against natural phenomena
hazards beyond that in model building codes that include earthquake, wind, and flood
considerations. Performance Category 2 criteria are intended to maintain the capacity to
function and to keep the SSC operational in the event of natural phenomena hazards. Model
building codes would treat hospitals, fire and police stations, and other emergency-handling
facilities in a similar manner to DOE-STD-1020 Performance Category 2 NPH design and
evaluation criteria.
Performance Category 3 and 4 SSCs handle significant amounts of hazardous materials
or have significant programmatic impact. Damage to these SSCs could potentially endanger
worker and public safety and the environment or interrupt a significant mission. As a result, it is
very important for these SSCs to continue to function in the event of natural phenomena hazards,
such that the hazardous materials may be controlled and confined. For these categories, there
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