| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
Figure C-1 Consistent Specification of All
Seismic Design/Evaluation Criteria Elements
Basic Approach for Earthquake Design and Evaluation and
Meeting Target Performance Goals
Overall Approach for DOE Seismic Criteria
Historical Perspective Since Early Development Using Uniform Building Code Criteria
Structure/component performance is a function of: (1) the likelihood of hazard
occurrence and (2) the strength of the structure or equipment item. Consequently, seismic
performance depends not only on the earthquake probability used to specify design seismic
loading, but also on the degree of conservatism used in the design process as illustrated in Figure
loss of function, this goal can be achieved by using conservative design or evaluation approaches
for a natural phenomena hazard that has a more frequent annual probability of exceedance (such
as 10-3), or it can be achieved by using median-centered design or evaluation approaches (i.e.,
approaches that have no intentional conservative or unconservative bias) coupled with a 10-4
hazard definition. At least for the earthquake hazard, the former alternate has been the most
traditional. Conservative design or evaluation approaches are well-established, extensively
documented, and commonly practiced. Median design or evaluation approaches are currently
controversial, not well understood, and seldom practiced. Conservative design and evaluation
approaches are utilized for both conventional facilities (similar to DOE PC-1) and for nuclear
power plants (similar to DOE PC- 4). For consistency with these other uses, the approach in this
standard specifies the use of conservative design and evaluation procedures coupled with a
hazard definition consistent with these procedures.
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