| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
Earthquake Loading
Intentional Conservatism In:
Defined at Specified
1) Response Evaluation
Annual probability from
2) Permissible Response
Seismic Hazard Curve
3) Ductile Detailing
Figure C-2 Performance Goal Achievement
The performance goals for PC-1 SSCs are consistent with goals of model building codes
for normal facilities; the performance goals for Performance Category 2 SSCs are slightly more
conservative than the goals of model building codes for important or essential facilities. For
seismic design and evaluation, model building codes utilize equivalent static force methods
except for very unusual or irregular facilities, for which a dynamic analysis method is employed.
The performance goals for PC-3 SSC's are consistent with DOE essential facilities and Pu
handling facilities. The performance goals for Performance Category 4 SSC's approach those
used for nuclear power plants. For these reasons, this standard specifies seismic design and
evaluation criteria for PC-1 and PC-2 SSC's corresponding closely to model building codes and
seismic design and evaluation criteria for both PC-3 and PC-4 SSC's based on dynamic analysis
methods consistent with those used for similar nuclear facilities.
By conceptual development, the DBE is defined at specified hazard probability PH and
the SSC is designed or evaluated for this DBE using an adequately conservative deterministic
acceptance criteria. To be adequately conservative, the acceptance criteria must introduce an
additional reduction in the risk of unacceptable performance below the annual risk of exceeding
RR =
Current Status
This concept enunciated above has been carried forward after issuance of IBC 2000.
The performance goals achieved with IBC 2000 criteria are better than indicated Appendix B
and for intent of this standard are deemed to meet the target performance goals.
In any case, the performance goals given in Appendix B and C for Performance
Categories 1 and 2 are for historical purposes from the days of the 1994 Uniform Building
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