| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
Over any ten-fold difference in exceedance probabilities, seismic hazard curves may be
approximated by:
H ( a ) = Ka - k H
where H(a) is the annual probability of exceedance of ground motion level "a," K is a constant,
and kH is a slope parameter. Slope coefficient, AR is the ratio of the increase in ground motion
corresponding to a ten-fold reduction in exceedance probability. AR is related to kH by:
kH =
log( AR )
The Basis for Seismic Provisions of DOE-STD-1020 (Ref. C-20) presents estimates
10-3 to 10-5. For eastern U.S. sites, AR typically falls within the range of 2 to 4 although AR
values as large as 6 have been estimated. For California and other high seismic sites near
tectonic plate boundaries with seismicity dominated by close active faults with high recurrence
rates, AR typically ranges from 1.5 to 2.25. For other western sites with seismicity not
dominated by close active faults with high recurrence rates such as INEL, LANL, and Hanford,
AR typically ranges from 1.75 to 3.0. Therefore, seismic design/evaluation criteria should be
DOE seismic design and evaluation criteria presented in Chapter 2 is independent of AR
and, thus, does not reflect its effect on meeting target goals. The performance of structures,
systems, and components in terms of annual probability of exceeding acceptable behavior limits
can be evaluated by convolution of seismic hazard and seismic fragility curves. Seismic fragility
curves describe the probability of unacceptable performance versus ground motion level. The
fragility curve is defined as being lognormally distributed and is expressed in terms of two
parameters: a median capacity level, C50, and a logarithmic standard deviation, β. β expresses
the uncertainty in the capacity level and generally lies within the range of 0.3 to 0.6. For DBE
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