| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
unacceptable performance is given by:
k β
RR = (C50 / DBE )
where C50 and β define the seismic fragility curve and DBE and kH define the seismic hazard
Using the basic criterion of DOE-STD-1020 that target performance goals are achieved
seismic scale factor, SF, times the DBE ground motion, Equation (C-5) may be rewritten as:
( )
1.282 k Hβ - 2 k Hβ
RR = (1.5SF ) e
Equation (C-6) demonstrates the risk reduction ratio achieved by DOE seismic criteria as a
function of hazard curve slope, uncertainty, and seismic scale factor, SF. Note from Table C-3
performance goal is 1x10-5 such that the target risk reduction ratio, RR is 10 and for PC-3, the
ratio, RR is 4. The actual risk reduction ratios from Equation (C-6) versus slope coefficient AR
are plotted in Reference C-20 for Performance Categories 3 and 4, respectively. In these figures,
SF of 0.9 is used for PC 3 and SF of 1.25 is used for PC 4 and the range of from 0.3 to 0.6 has
been considered. For the hazard curves considered by DOE-STD-1023-92 (Ref. C-13), AR
values average about 3.2 in the probability range associated with PC 3 and about 2.4 in the
probability range associated with PC 4. More recent seismic hazard studies (Ref. C-6) gives AR
values which average about 3.8 in the probability range associated with PC 3 and about 3.0 in
the probability range associated with PC 4.
Figures in Reference C-20 demonstrate that for SF= 0.9 risk reduction ratios between
about 3 and 10 are achieved over the AR range from 2 to 6. These risk reduction ratios support
achieving performance goals between about 2x10-4 to 5x10-5. In the primary region of interest of
AR between 2.5 and 4, risk reduction ratios from 4 to 6 are achieved as compared to the target
level of 4 for PC 3 and sites not near tectonic plate boundaries. Figures in Reference C-20
demonstrate that for SF = 1.25, risk reduction ratios between about 3 and 20 are achieved over
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