| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
which use F > 1, the maximum spectral acceleration should be used for
fundamental periods lower than the period at which the maximum spectral
amplification occurs (See Figure 2-4). For higher modes, the actual spectral
accelerations should be used.
Calculate the inelastic seismic demand element forces, DSI, as
= Inelastic energy absorption factor from Table 2-3 for the
appropriate structural system and elements having
adequate ductile detailing
= Scale factor related to Performance Category
= 1.25 for PC-4
= 0.9 for PC-3
Variable scale factors, based on the slope of site-specific hazard curves are
discussed in Appendix C, to result in improved achievement of performance
goals. Site specific scale factors for low seismicity sites should be quantified
to ensure that use of
S.F = 0.9 is adequately conservative. SF is applied for evaluation of
structures, systems, and components. At this time, F values are not
provided for systems and components. It is recognized that many systems
and components exhibit ductile behavior for which F values greater than
unity would be appropriate (see Section C.4.4.2). Low F values in Table
2-3 are intentionally specified to avoid brittle failure modes.
Evaluate the total inelastic-factored demand DTI as the sum of DSI and DNS
(the best-estimate of all non-seismic demands expected to occur concurrently
with the DBE).
Evaluate capacities of elements, CC, from code ultimate or yield values
Reinforced Concrete
Use IBC 2000, ACI 318 & ACI-349
Use IBC 2000 and AISC
- LRFD provisions, or
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