| ![]() DOE-STD-1020-2002
Plastic Design provisions, or
Allowable Stress Design provision scaled by 1.4 for shear in
members and bolts and 1.7 for all other stresses.
Refer to References 2-9 and 2-10 for related industry standards. Note that
strength reduction factors, φ , are retained. Minimum specified or 95%
nonexceedence in-situ values for material strengths should be used to
estimate capacities.
The seismic capacity is adequate when CC exceeds DTI, i.e.:
Evaluate story drifts due to lateral forces, including both translation and
torsion. It may be assumed that inelastic drifts are adequately approximated
by elastic analyses (note that lateral seismic forces are not reduced by F
when computing story drifts). Calculated story drifts should not exceed
0.010 times the story height for structures with contribution to distortion
from both shear and flexure. For structures in which shear distortion is the
primary contributer to drift, such as those with low rise shear walls or
concentric braced-frames, the calculated story drift should not exceed 0.004
times the story height. These drift limits may be exceeded when acceptable
performance of both the structure and nonstructural elements can be
demonstrated at greater drift.
Check elements to assure that good detailing practice has been followed
(e.g., see sect. C.4.4.2). Values of F given in Table 2-3 are upper limit
values. For concrete structures, good design detailing practice and
consistency with recent ACI 349 provisions should be followed. (For other
materials, use relevant codes per Chapter 1). Existing facilities may not be
consistent with the recent ACI 349 provisions, and, if not, must be assigned a
reduced value of F.
Implement peer review of engineering drawings and calculations (including
proper application of F values) and require increased inspection and testing
of new construction or existing facilities.
Minimum values of peak ground acceleration (PGA) shall be:
0.06g for Performance Category 3
0.10g for Performance Category 4
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